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Searching and Sorting

Searching and sorting in the RECALLS, LIBRARY and GROUPS lists

David Handel, MD avatar
Written by David Handel, MD
Updated over a week ago

Watch this video for the latest update to searching and sorting.

iDoRecall (iDR) has a search box in several sections of the app. Let's discuss how searching and sorting works in RECALLS, as the prototypical example of these functions.

Search in RECALLS

When you open the RECALLS section, you'll see the search box at the top of your recalls list. If there is no entry in the search box, the list will contain some of your recalls. This is an infinite scroll list, meaning as you continue to scroll, more recalls will be downloaded and the counter in the search box will be incremented. A maximum of 25 recalls will be displayed before you begin to scroll. Here the counter reads 12 because this user only has 12 recalls in their account,

As soon as you begin to type characters into the box, your list will become filtered for matching results. If you enter a string of characters into search they will be matched against the text in the Q and A fields of your recalls.

If the string matches any of your tags, those will be autosuggested in a dropdown.

If the string in the search matches any tags, they will be autosuggested in a dropdown.

If you click a tag, it will be placed in the search box and the search results will be filtered for the recalls that possess that tag. The counter in the search box reflects the number of matching recalls. You may need to scroll to download more results if they are >25.

Here is the first of the 23 filtered results showing the of the recalls that possess the Process costing tag.

You can search based on one or more tags and a string. This is an AND type search and the search results will reflect those recalls which match all of the entries in the search box.

searching with tags and text

Sorting search results in RECALLS

Your search results in recalls can be sorted, ascending or descending, using four different sorting tools

  1. Creation date sorts by the creation dates of the recalls and is useful for finding your most recently created recalls if you want to edit one by you don't remember its question.A-Z sorts based on the text in the Q field of the recalls.

  2. A-Z

  3. Due for practice sorts by the date that each recall is next scheduled to be placed into the PRACTICE tab by the spaced-repetition algorithm. This sort can be used to find the next recalls which will soon be due for practice should you want to practice a bunch of these and get ahead of the schedule.

  4. Average star rating sorts by the average star rating you have given for all the practices you've done for each individual recall. This is wonderful if you want to find the recalls that you have been struggling with the most and take them into an extra practice session.

How to perform bulk actions on selected recalls

We have discussed elsewhere how to select from the list of recalls. Once you select at least one of the recalls in the list, the sorting tools under the search box will be replaced by the bulk actions tools.

the bulk actiion tools

Let's discuss them in order.

  1. Practice takes the selection set into practice.

  2. Tags opens the Manage tags panel for you to take various actions.

  3. Share will open a panel to let you assign which group or groups to share to.

  4. Snooze selection opens a panel so that you can set the snooze date. Once snoozed, the soonest any of these recalls will be placed into the PRACTICE tab by the spaced-repetition algorithm is the snooze date. If on that date, the recall is not yet due as set by the spaced-repetition algorithm, it won't appear in the PRACTICE tab until its due date.

  5. Delete will show a confirmation popup before carrying out the deletion of the selected recalls from your account.

Let's check out the Manage tags panel

The manage tags panel.

In this example, the three selected recalls are set to have their tags managed. All 3 possess the Biology 1020 tag. Some of the selected recalls have the other three listed tags. You can click the X on any of the displayed tags to remove that tag from the selected recalls that possess it. If you click Clear all tags will remove all tags from the selected recalls. If you want to add one or more new tags to all of the selected recalls, enter them into the tag field at the top.

WARNING: None of your changes will take place until you click SAVE EDITS at the bottom of the panel.

Don't forget to click SAVE EDITS.

Searching and Sorting in the LIBRARY

Here we'll cover the differences in searching and sorting in the LIBRARY compared to what we just learning about these functions in RECALLS.

Search in the library is based upon text strings that match the name of the library file or video as depicted in the LIBRARY list. Search can be performed with tags as well as a combination of one or more tags AND a text string.

Sorting is available by, ascending or descending, date added, A-Z of the file/video title, the Deadline set for you to complete processing the file, and the date the file was added to the library,

sorting in the library

Let's examine the available bulk action tools displayed after you make a selection in the LIBRARY

library bulk action tools
  1. Practice will take any recalls that possess that tag into a practice session. Note that the recalls are the same ones that would be taken into practice if you used this tool in RECALLS. It is not related to the files in the library that might or might not possess that tag.

  2. Tags is analogous to the same bulk action in RECALLS and manages the tags assigned to library files and videos.

  3. Share works the same as this bulk action does in RECALLS.

  4. Mark as processed is a very helpful function available to you in the LIBRARY to keep your list clean. And is discussed more fully in another article.

  5. Delete will display a confirmation popup before removed the select items from your account.

Searching, sorting, and bulk actions in GROUPS

The Recalls and Library sections of a group also have searching and sorting functionality. The searching works the same as described above for your personal RECALLS and LIBRARY.

The sorting functions have differences.

Here are the sorting tools in the Recalls section of a group

Depicts the sorting tools in the Recalls section of a group.
  1. A-Z works the same as in your personal RECALLS section.

  2. Created works the same as in your personal RECALLS section.

  3. Grade sorts by the average grade that group members have given to each practice of an individual recall that they cloned from this list. Looking at the sort results, you can see which recalls the members are struggling with the most. If the group is a class created by a teacher, this sort would be useful for discovering where the class is struggling so that they might review the materials associated with any recall recalls where their students have a low, cumulative average grade.

  4. Donor sorts the recalls by the name of the donor. The donor name can be seen in a tooltip when you mouse over their avatar in each list item. If you are a group member, there may be one or more other members you highly respect and you may elect to clone their recalls over others. You could use this sort to find and select their recalls to bulk clone.

  5. Cloned sorts the list based on the number of times each recall has been cloned by the group's members. The clone count for each recall is depicted to the right of the donor's avatar on each recall in the list. A recall that has been cloned a lot might be an indication that it is a winner.

The only available bulk action in the Recalls section of a group is Clone selected.

Clone selected bulk action in a group's RECALLS list.

In a Group's LIBRARY, search works the same as in your personal LIBRARY.

Sorting has one difference from sorting in a group's Recalls list.

Sorting tools available in a group's Library.

The sorting by date is based on the date that the file was added to the group's Library.

The only bulk action available in a group's library is the same as is available in the group's Recalls section, namely Clone selected.

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